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The noreferrer attribute is an HTML5 link attribute that, when added to an anchor tag, prevents the browser from sending the HTTP referrer information to the linked page. This attribute is used primarily for privacy and security reasons.

How the Noreferrer Attribute Works

When a user clicks a link that includes the noreferrer attribute, the browser will not include the referrer information in the HTTP request header.

The referrer information usually contains the URL of the page from which the user clicked the link. By adding the noreferrer attribute, the destination page will not be able to see where the user originated from, thus ensuring better privacy.

Benefits of Using Noreferrer

  1. Privacy Protection – Preventing the destination page from seeing the referrer information can protect sensitive information that might be included in the URL.
  2. Security Enhancement – The noreferrer attribute also helps prevent malicious websites from gaining access to sensitive information or performing actions on behalf of users.

Combining Noreferrer with Other Attributes

The noreferrer attribute can be combined with other link attributes, such as noopener, which prevents the linked page from accessing the original page’s window.opener object. To use both attributes, simply add them to the anchor tag like this:

<a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer">Link Text</a>

By using both attributes, you can increase the security and privacy of your website’s links.

More Resources

For more information about the noreferrer attribute and its benefits, check out these resources:

  1. Mozilla Developer Network: Link types – noreferrer
  2. Google Developers: noreferrer attribute