
All the important SEO terms explained.


10x Content

10x content is blog posts, landing pages, and more that exceeds the quality of the top-ranking result for the target keyword by at least ten times.

301 Redirect

A 301 redirect is a permanent redirect from one URL to another that passes on link equity and ensures a better user experience.

302 Redirect

A 302 redirect is a temporary redirect from one URL to another that does not pass on link equity.

304 Not Modified

A 304 Not Modified is an HTTP response code which indicates that the requested page has not been modified since the last time it was requested.

404 Error

A 404 error is an HTTP status code that indicates that a requested web page or resource cannot be found.

410 Gone

A 410 Gone is an HTTP status code that indicates that a requested page or resource has been permanently removed from the server.


Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is an open-source project developed by Google which allows website owners and developers to create web pages that are optimized for fast loading on mobile devices.


AhrefsBot is a web crawler used by the popular SEO and content marketing tool, Ahrefs, which regularly visits websites to collect data to generate reports on organic search performance and other website metrics.

Alt Text

Alt text, short for alternative text, is a tool used to provide a textual representation of an image on the page to help it be read by search engine spiders.

Anchor Text

Anchor text is the clickable words within a hyperlink used to direct the user to another page or part of the same page.

Article Spinning

Article spinning is a technique used to create multiple versions of an article or text by automatically replacing words with synonyms.

Article Syndication

Article syndication is a content marketing strategy that involves distributing original articles across multiple websites and platforms to increase visibility, drive website traffic, and enhance SEO efforts.

Auto-Generated Content

Auto-generated content is digital content created using artificial intelligence or algorithmic processes, offering efficiency, scalability, and cost-effectiveness in content marketing and SEO strategies.



Backlinks are incoming links from other websites that signal credibility and authority, influencing a website’s search engine ranking and driving referral traffic.

Bing Webmaster Tools

Bing Webmaster Tools is a free suite of tools provided by Microsoft’s search engine, Bing, designed to help website owners monitor, maintain, and optimize their sites for better visibility and performance on Bing’s search engine results pages.


Bingbot is Bing’s web-crawling bot that discovers, crawls, and indexes websites, playing a crucial role in search engine optimization for websites targeting Bing’s search engine.

Black Hat SEO

Black Hat SEO refers to unethical and manipulative tactics that violate search engine guidelines, aiming to deceive search engines and achieve higher rankings at the expense of user experience and long-term success.

Bounce Rate

Bounce rate represents the percentage of single-page visits, indicating user engagement and a site’s content and design effectiveness.

Branded Keywords

Branded keywords are search terms that include a company, brand, or product name, playing a crucial role in SEO and content marketing by increasing brand visibility and awareness.

Breadcrumb Navigation

Breadcrumb navigation is a secondary, hierarchical navigation system that allows users to trace their path on a website, improving user experience and site crawlability for SEO purposes.

Bridge Page

A bridge page is a web page designed to funnel users from search engines to a target page on your website, often targeting specific keywords and optimized for search engine ranking.

Broken Link

A broken link is a non-functional hyperlink that leads to a non-existent page or resource, negatively impacting user experience and SEO performance.


Canonical Tag

A canonical tag is an HTML element that specifies the preferred version of a web page to search engines, helping to prevent duplicate content issues and consolidate link equity for better SEO performance.

Canonical URL

A canonical URL is the preferred version of a web page chosen from multiple similar or identical pages on a website, which helps search engines index the correct version and prevents duplicate content issues in SEO.


A co-citation occurs when two websites are mentioned together by a third website, creating an association between them that can influence their search engine rankings.


Co-occurrence is the frequency of related keywords appearing together, helping search engines grasp content relevance and context.

Computer-Generated Content

Computer-generated content is media, such as text or images, created by software algorithms and AI technologies rather than human authors.

Content Delivery Network (CDN)

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a system of globally distributed servers that work together to deliver web content quickly and efficiently to users, improving website performance and user experience.

Content hub

A content hub is a centralized collection of related content on a website, organized by topic or theme, that enhances user experience and supports SEO and content marketing efforts.

Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals are a set of performance metrics measuring user experience factors like loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability on a website.

Cornerstone Content

Cornerstone content refers to high-quality, comprehensive content that serves as a foundation for a website’s topic and is essential for attracting organic traffic and building authority in a specific niche.

Crawl Budget

Crawl budget is the number of web pages a search engine, like Google, is willing to crawl and index on a website within a specific timeframe.


Crawlability is the ability of search engines to access, navigate, and index a website’s content for the purpose of ranking it in search engine results pages.


A crawler, also known as a spider or bot, is an automated program used by search engines to discover, navigate, and index web pages for search engine results.


Dofollow Link

A dofollow link is a hyperlink that passes authority from one web page to another, positively influencing the search engine rankings of the linked page.

Domain Rating (DR)

Domain Rating (DR) is a metric developed by Ahrefs that measures the strength and authority of a website’s backlink profile on a scale of 0 to 100, with higher values indicating greater authority.

Doorway Page

A doorway page is a web page designed to rank highly for specific keywords, often lacking unique content and redirecting users to another page or site.

Duplicate Content

Duplicate content is identical or substantially similar content that appears in more than one location on the internet, either within the same website or across multiple websites.

Dwell Time

Dwell time is a user engagement metric that measures the amount of time a user spends on a web page after clicking on a search result and before returning to the search engine results page (SERP).

Dynamic URL

A dynamic URL is an automatically generated web address that changes based on content or user interaction, containing special characters and parameters.


Editorial Link

An editorial link is a voluntary, natural hyperlink placed within content by an author or editor, indicating genuine endorsement and offering significant SEO benefits.

Email outreach

Email outreach is a digital marketing technique that builds relationships, promotes content, and acquires backlinks through personalized emails to industry players.

Entry Page

An entry page is the first webpage a user lands on when visiting a website, serving as a crucial touchpoint for user engagement, SEO performance, and content marketing efforts.

Evergreen Content

Evergreen content is timeless, valuable material that remains relevant, boosting SEO and audience engagement over time.

External Link

An external link is a hyperlink that directs users from one website to another, providing benefits in terms of SEO, authority, and user experience.


Faceted Navigation

Faceted navigation is a search feature that lets users filter content or products by specific attributes, benefiting user experience and SEO.


Gated Сontent

Gated content is valuable information or resources that require users to provide personal information, such as their name and email address, in order to access them.

Gateway Page

A gateway page is a webpage targeting specific keywords to direct users from search results to relevant content on the main website.

Google Alerts

A Google Alert is a free notification service that sends email updates when new content containing specified keywords is indexed by Google.

Google Algorithm

The Google Algorithm is a set of rules used by Google’s search engine to rank websites and provide relevant search results based on user queries.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a web analytics service that tracks and reports website traffic data, helping to inform SEO and content marketing strategies.

Google Autocomplete

Google Autocomplete offers real-time search suggestions based on popular queries, improving search efficiency.

Google Bombing

Google Bombing manipulates search rankings to link keywords with unrelated, often negative content for humor or politics.

Google Business Profile

A Google Business Profile is a free, customizable listing that helps businesses manage their online presence across Google Search and Maps.

Google Caffeine

Google Caffeine was a 2010 update that improved Google’s search indexing speed and accuracy.

Google Dance

Google Dance was a term describing the frequent search ranking fluctuations that occurred during the early 2000s when Google periodically updated its index.

Google Hummingbird

Google Hummingbird was a 2013 update enhancing search accuracy through semantic understanding.

Google Knowledge Graph

Google Knowledge Graph is a system that helps improve search results by linking related information.

Google Knowledge Panel

The Google Knowledge Panel is an informational box displayed in search results, providing key details about specific entities like businesses, people, or events.

Google Panda

Google Panda was an algorithm update launched by Google in 2011 to improve search results by penalizing low-quality content and rewarding high-quality, relevant information.

Google Penalty

A Google Penalty is a punishment for breaking Google’s rules, resulting in lower search rankings or removal from search results.

Google Penguin

Google Penguin is an update that identifies and penalizes websites employing deceptive SEO tactics to inflate their search rankings.

Google Pigeon

Google Pigeon is an algorithm update that improves local search results by emphasizing proximity, local directories, and traditional SEO factors.

Google Sandbox

Google Sandbox refers to a speculated filter limiting new websites’ search ranking ability.

Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a free tool that helps website owners monitor, maintain, and optimize their site’s performance in Google search results.

Google Top Heavy Update

Google Top Heavy Update targets websites with excessive above-the-fold ads, affecting their search rankings.

Google Webmaster Guidelines

Google Webmaster Guidelines are best practices provided by Google to help website owners optimize their sites for search engines and enhance user experience.

Google Webmaster Tools

Google Webmaster Tools, now known as Google Search Console, is the place to manage indexability of a website.


Googlebot is an automated search engine crawler that discovers, analyzes, and indexes web content to determine a website’s visibility and performance in Google search results.

Grey Hat SEO

Grey Hat SEO encompasses risky optimization tactics that blur the line between ethical White Hat SEO and prohibited Black Hat SEO, potentially leading to penalties, reputation damage, and limited long-term success.

Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is a content marketing strategy that helps build authority, relationships, and backlinks for improved SEO performance.


A Guestographic is a visual content marketing technique that combines guest blogging and infographics to generate high-quality backlinks, increase brand exposure, and improve SEO performance.


H1 tag

An H1 tag is an HTML element that defines the primary heading of a web page, playing a crucial role in structuring content, enhancing user experience, and improving SEO performance.

Header Tags

Header tags are HTML elements that define the headings and subheadings of a web page’s content, helping create a hierarchical structure that enhances user experience and search engine optimization.

Hilltop Algorithm

The Hilltop Algorithm is a search engine algorithm that prioritizes high-quality, authoritative websites and emphasizes the importance of relevant content and backlinks in determining search engine rankings.

Holistic SEO

Holistic SEO is a comprehensive approach to search engine optimization, addressing all aspects of a website to enhance user experience and achieve higher search engine rankings.


Hreflang is an HTML attribute that helps search engines understand language and regional targeting of webpages, enhancing international SEO and user experience.

HTTP 200 Response Code

The HTTP 200 Response Code signifies a successful server response, reflecting positively on a website’s SEO and performance.


HTTPS provides secure, encrypted data transmission, boosting user trust and offering SEO benefits over non-secure HTTP websites.


Inbound Link

Inbound links are hyperlinks from third-party websites pointing to your site, playing a vital role in boosting SEO and website authority.


Indexability is the ability of a web page to be crawled and indexed by search engines, playing a critical role in your website’s visibility and SEO performance.

Informational Query

Informational queries are search queries seeking information or knowledge, and addressing them with valuable content can improve your website’s SEO performance and increase organic traffic.

Internal Link

Internal links are hyperlinks within a website that point to other pages on the same domain, helping improve site architecture, user experience, and SEO performance.


Javascript SEO

JavaScript SEO focuses on optimizing JavaScript-powered websites for search engine crawling, indexing, and ranking, ensuring content accessibility and indexability.


Keyword Cannibalization

Keyword cannibalization occurs when multiple pages on a website target the same keywords, causing competition and potential negative impact on search visibility and traffic.

Keyword Clustering

Keyword clustering is the process of grouping related keywords to create a more organized and focused SEO strategy, improving content relevance, site structure, and search visibility.

Keyword Density

Keyword density refers to the frequency of a keyword in a piece of content, but it is no longer a primary focus in modern SEO, which prioritizes content quality, relevance, and user experience.

Keyword Difficulty

Keyword difficulty estimates the competitiveness of a keyword, guiding SEO professionals in prioritizing efforts and understanding competition in their niche.

Keyword Ranking

Keyword ranking refers to a website’s position in search results for specific keywords, impacting visibility, organic traffic, credibility, and conversion rates.

Keyword Stemming

Keyword stemming uses variations of a base keyword to target a wider range of search queries, enhancing keyword coverage and content relevance in SEO.

Keyword Stuffing

Keyword stuffing is an outdated, harmful SEO technique involving excessive keyword repetition, leading to poor user experience, search engine penalties, and a damaged reputation.


Keywords are words or phrases used in search queries that guide SEO and content strategy, helping to improve search visibility, target user intent, and drive organic traffic.


Link Bait

Link bait refers to attention-grabbing content designed to attract backlinks, helping to boost domain authority, drive organic traffic, and enhance brand awareness in SEO.

Link Building

Link building is the process of acquiring backlinks to improve a website’s search engine rankings, domain authority, and organic traffic, making it a critical component of SEO strategy.

Link Equity

Link equity refers to the value and authority passed through backlinks, which can influence search engine rankings, domain authority, and organic traffic, playing a crucial role in SEO.

Link Exchange

Link exchange is a reciprocal linking practice that can potentially harm a website’s SEO if not done carefully, as search engines have evolved to detect and penalize artificial link-building tactics.

Link Farm

A link farm is a black hat SEO technique involving interconnected websites that aim to manipulate search engine rankings, which can lead to penalties, loss of reputation, and negative user experience.

Link Popularity

Link popularity is a measure of a website’s inbound links, which plays a crucial role in determining search engine rankings, organic traffic, and online reputation.

Link Profile

A link profile represents the collection of inbound links to a website and is a critical component of SEO, influencing search engine rankings, website authority, and organic traffic.

Link Reclamation

Link reclamation involves identifying and recovering lost or broken backlinks to improve SEO performance, maintain website authority, and enhance user experience.

Link Rot

Link rot is the decay of hyperlinks over time, impacting SEO, user experience, and credibility; prevention involves regular audits, updating links, and using redirects.

Link Scheme

Link schemes manipulate backlinks and can lead to penalties and lost trust; to avoid them, follow guidelines, focus on quality content, and build authentic relationships.

Link Spam

Link spam manipulates rankings with irrelevant links; combat it by monitoring comments, using management systems, and applying ‘nofollow’ attributes.

Link Velocity

Link velocity is the rate of new backlinks a website gains, affecting SEO by influencing rankings and trust; monitor it with SEO tools and competitor analysis.

Local Business Schema

Local Business Schema is a structured data markup that boosts local search visibility and enhances search results, giving businesses a competitive edge.

Local Citation

Local citations are mentions of a business’s NAP online, playing a crucial role in local SEO by improving local rankings, increasing visibility, and aiding reputation management.

Local Pack

A Local Pack is a SERP feature displaying a map and three local businesses, boosting visibility and user experience; optimizing your Google My Business listing and maintaining NAP consistency can improve your chances of inclusion.

Local Search Marketing

Local Search Marketing employs targeted strategies to improve a business’s visibility in location-specific searches, attracting nearby customers and enhancing competitiveness.

Local SEO

Local SEO focuses on optimizing a business’s online presence for local search, helping to improve visibility and attract local customers.

Log File Analysis

Log file analysis involves examining server log files to gather insights on search engine crawler behavior and identify opportunities for SEO optimization.

Long-Tail Keyword

Long-tail keywords are longer, more specific phrases with less competition and higher conversion potential, making them valuable targets for SEO and content marketing.

LSI Keywords

LSI keywords are semantically related terms that help search engines understand the context of your content, leading to improved SEO and a better user experience.


Manual Action

Manual actions are penalties by search engines such as Google and Bing on websites violating their guidelines, affecting search rankings and visibility.

Meta Description

A meta description is a concise HTML attribute summarizing a web page’s content, displayed in SERPs to entice users to click and improve CTRs.

Meta Keywords

Meta keywords are an outdated HTML attribute that once helped search engines understand a page’s content but are no longer used by major search engines for ranking purposes.

Meta Redirect

Meta redirects are HTML techniques for automatic page redirection, but they can harm SEO and user experience; HTTP 301 or 302 redirects are preferable.

Meta robots tag

The meta robots tag is an HTML tag that instructs search engine crawlers on how to index and follow links on a webpage, playing a significant role in SEO.

Meta Tags

Meta tags are HTML tags that provide metadata about a webpage, playing a crucial role in SEO by helping search engines understand and index a page’s content.

Mirror Site

A mirror site is an exact replica of another website or page, often used for backup or increased availability, but can cause duplicate content issues in SEO.

Mobile-first indexing

Mobile-first indexing focuses on prioritizing mobile-optimized content in Google’s indexing and ranking, catering to the growing number of mobile internet users and emphasizing the need for mobile-friendly websites.


Natural Link

A natural link is an organic backlink earned through valuable content, positively impacting SEO through improved rankings, increased traffic, and enhanced reputation.

Navigational Query

Navigational queries are search queries aimed at locating a specific website or webpage, impacting brand recognition, click-through rates, and user experience in SEO.

Negative SEO

Negative SEO targets competitors with unethical tactics, but monitoring backlinks, securing websites, and addressing duplicate content can help prevent it.


The “nofollow” attribute in HTML code instructs search engines not to follow a link or pass link equity, commonly used for paid links, user-generated content, or untrusted content.

Noindex Tag

The “noindex” tag is an HTML meta tag that tells search engines not to index a page, useful for private content, duplicate content, staging sites, or low-value pages.


The “noopener” attribute is a security measure for HTML links, preventing opened pages from accessing the original page’s “window.opener” object.


The “noreferrer” attribute is an HTML5 link attribute that enhances privacy and security by preventing browsers from sending referrer information to linked pages.

Not Provided

“Not provided” in Google Analytics conceals organic search query data for privacy reasons, but utilizing tools like Google Search Console and analyzing landing pages can offer insights.


Off-page SEO

Off-page SEO encompasses external activities like link building, content marketing, and social media engagement to boost search rankings and authority.

On-page SEO

On-page SEO involves optimizing web pages’ content and HTML source code to rank higher in search engines, boost visibility, and attract relevant traffic.

Open Graph meta tags

Open Graph meta tags help control how your content appears when shared on social media platforms, allowing you to customize the title, description, and image for a more appealing preview.

Organic Search Results

Organic search results are unpaid, natural listings on SERPs, influenced by factors like relevance and authority, with SEO aiming to improve website performance in these listings.

Organic Traffic

Organic traffic is the unpaid visitors to a website from search engine results, indicating that the site has relevant and authoritative content that matches users’ queries.

Orphan Page

Orphan pages lack internal links, hindering user experience and crawlability, which negatively impacts SEO.

Outbound Link

Outbound links direct users to other websites and help search engines understand your site’s relevance and authority, playing a role in SEO and user experience.


Page Speed

Page speed is vital for both user experience and SEO, with faster-loading sites resulting in higher user engagement and better search engine rankings.


PageRank is an early Google algorithm that ranks web pages based on the quality and quantity of their backlinks.

Paid Link

Paid links are purchased or rented hyperlinks aimed at improving search rankings unethically, which can result in severe penalties from search engines like Google.

People Also Ask

“People Also Ask” is a SERP feature displaying related questions and answers, offering users valuable information and providing websites with increased visibility and traffic opportunities.

Pillar Page

A Pillar Page is a comprehensive, central hub covering a broad topic, which links to related cluster pages, enhancing website organization, user experience, and SEO.


Pogo-sticking is a user behavior that involves quickly navigating between search results.

Private Blog Network (PBN)

A Private Blog Network is a black-hat SEO technique involving a group of websites created to generate backlinks.



RankBrain is a machine learning-based algorithm used by Google to better understand search queries and deliver the most relevant results.

Reciprocal Link

Reciprocal links are mutually exchanged links between two websites that can boost referral traffic and authority, but excessive or manipulative linking can lead to search engine penalties.

Reconsideration Request

A reconsideration request is an appeal to search engines to reevaluate a penalized website after resolving guideline violations and documenting the changes made.

Related Searches

Related searches are search engine-suggested queries that help users refine their search, while providing insights for website owners and marketers to optimize content and enhance visibility.

Resource Pages

Resource pages are curated web pages containing valuable information and resources, offering user value and credibility, attracting backlinks, and benefiting SEO.

Rich Snippet

Rich snippets are visually appealing, informative search results created using structured data markup, which improve click-through rates and user experience.


Robots.txt is a file used to guide web crawlers on which pages or sections of a site not to crawl or index, helping control the information accessible to search engines.


Schema Markup

Schema markup is structured data that helps search engines better understand and present a webpage’s content, improving search results and user experience.

Search Algorithm

Search algorithms determine webpage rankings based on relevance to user queries, with SEO best practices helping improve website visibility in search results.

Search Engine Poisoning

Search Engine Poisoning is a malicious tactic where cybercriminals manipulate search engine rankings to drive traffic to harmful sites, potentially causing damage to users and legitimate websites.

Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs)

SERPs display a mix of organic listings, paid ads, and specialized results in response to user queries, helping users find information and driving traffic to websites.

Search Intent

Search intent encompasses the user’s goal when searching, including informational, navigational, transactional, and commercial investigation intents.

Search Results

Search results are the various forms of content presented by search engines in response to user queries, including organic and paid results ranked based on relevance and quality.

Search Term

A search term is the word or phrase entered by users into search engines to find relevant information, making it crucial for SEO and digital marketing strategies.

Search Visibility

Search visibility is the prominence of a website or its content in search engine results, which is essential for driving organic traffic and can be improved through various SEO strategies.

Search Volume

Search volume refers to the frequency of a keyword being searched, guiding SEO professionals and marketers in targeting popular and competitive keywords.

Secondary Keywords

Secondary keywords are related phrases that provide context, improve relevancy, and target long-tail queries, helping enhance your content’s SEO performance and attract more qualified traffic.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

SSL encrypts data between a web server and browser, protecting sensitive information, enhancing user trust, and improving SEO rankings.

Seed Keywords

Seed keywords are broad, foundational terms that serve as a starting point for building a comprehensive keyword list, targeting the right audience, and improving search rankings.


SEO is the process of enhancing a website’s visibility on search engine results pages to drive targeted organic traffic and provide long-lasting benefits for businesses.

SEO Audit

An SEO audit is a detailed analysis of a website’s performance in search engines, examining technical, on-page, off-page, and user experience factors to identify areas for improvement and optimization.

SEO Silo

An SEO silo is a content organization strategy that enhances search engine ranking, user experience, and topical authority by structuring a website’s content into hierarchical, theme-based categories.

SERP Features

SERP features are enhanced search results that improve user experience by providing relevant information beyond organic listings and can impact SEO strategies and website visibility.

Share of Voice

Share of Voice is a marketing metric measuring a brand’s visibility compared to competitors, helping businesses identify areas for improvement and optimize marketing strategies.

Short-Tail Keywords

Short-tail keywords are broad, one or two-word search queries with high search volume and competition but lower conversion rates, requiring a balanced SEO strategy with long-tail keywords.


Sitelinks are additional links displayed below a primary search result on Google SERPs, helping users navigate to specific sections of a website and improving user experience.


Sitemaps are essential tools for guiding search engines and users through a website’s structure and content, ultimately improving its discoverability and user experience.

Sitewide link

Sitewide links appear on every page of a website, aiding navigation and user experience while potentially impacting SEO


Spamdexing involves manipulating search engine rankings using unethical techniques, which can lead to severe penalties or bans from search engines.

Sponsored link attribute

The Sponsored link attribute is used to mark paid or sponsored links on a website, helping webmasters maintain transparency and comply with search engine guidelines.


The “srcset” attribute is an essential tool for creating responsive websites, as it allows developers to provide multiple image sources that cater to different screen resolutions or viewport sizes.

Structured Data

Structured Data is a method of organizing and annotating web content to help search engines better understand and index it.


A subdomain is an independent section of a website, identified by a prefix before the main domain, used for organizing content and treated as a separate entity by search engines.


Taxonomy SEO

Taxonomy SEO focuses on organizing and categorizing website content to enhance search rankings and user experience through a logical hierarchy, descriptive categories and tags, and optimized category and tag pages.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO focuses on optimizing a website’s technical aspects to boost search rankings and user experience.


TF-IDF is a statistical measure used to determine the importance of a keyword within a document or collection of documents.

Thin Content

Thin content is low-quality content that offers little to no value to users and can harm a website’s organic performance.

Title Tag

Title tags are an important on-page SEO element that provides a concise description of a webpage’s content.

Top-Level Domain (TLD)

A top-level domain (TLD) is the highest level of the Domain Name System and consists of the letters following the final dot in a domain name.

Transactional Query

A transactional query is a search query with the intent to complete a specific action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a service, and optimizing your website for these queries can improve conversion rates.

Transport Layer Security (TLS)

Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a cryptographic protocol that ensures secure communications between a web server and a user’s browser, protecting sensitive data and fostering trust in your website.


TrustRank is an algorithm that measures the trustworthiness and authority of a website based on the quality of its inbound links, playing a crucial role in search engine rankings.


UGC link attribute

The UGC link attribute is used to indicate that a link is pointing to user-generated content, helping search engines understand its nature and maintaining the integrity of your website’s link profile.

Universal Search

Universal Search is a search engine feature that combines various types of content in the search results pages, providing users with the most relevant and diverse information based on their search intent.

Unnatural Links

Unnatural links are artificial or manipulative inbound links that violate search engine guidelines, potentially leading to penalties such as ranking drops or removal from search results.

URL Rating (UR)

URL Rating (UR) is a metric by Ahrefs that measures the strength of a web page’s backlink profile on a scale of 0 to 100.

URL Slug

A URL slug is the descriptive, human-readable part of a URL that comes after the domain name.


Vertical Search

Vertical search is a specialized search engine focusing on specific industries, topics, or content categories.

Voice Search

Voice search is a technology that allows users to search the internet using voice commands.


Website Authority

Website Authority is a measure of a site’s overall strength and credibility, which influences search engine rankings.

Website Structure

Website Structure is the organization of a site’s pages and content, impacting SEO and user experience.


Webspam refers to manipulative tactics aimed at artificially boosting a website’s search engine rankings.

White-hat SEO

White-hat SEO refers to ethical search engine optimization practices that comply with search engine guidelines.



The X-Robots-Tag is an HTTP header directive that allows you to control search engine crawling and indexing of specific pages or resources.


YMYL Pages

YMYL (Your Money or Your Life) pages are web content that can significantly impact a person’s well-being or financial stability.